Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

The Health of our Nation

The sad state of health in our country has been getting more publicity recently and people are now realizing how unhealthy our nation really is. When people talk about eating healthy, people often just think they have to eat carrot and celery sticks along with their sandwich or just switch to eating wheat bread instead of white bread.  This is how far our country has come in a lack of understanding of what healthy food is.

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Restoring Your Abnormal Neck Curve Premier Chiropractic - By: Dr. DeeDee Wampfler

Chiropractic Biophysics® (CBP®) technique is a full-spine posture correcting chiropractic technique that addresses abnormal postural rotations and translations. This technique, which we have been certified in and practice as our primary method of spinal correction involves spinal rehabilitative care procedures including specific spinal adjustments, mirror image postural adjustments and exercises, and specific traction and is what enables us to make corrective changes to the spine.

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Safe and Effective Pain Relief without Drugs or Surgery

Research shows that 1 in 5 adults experience chronic pain and that new cases of chronic pain occur more frequently than new cases of other chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Traditional forms of pain relief would often include opioid prescriptions. But there’s good news! Those who seek chiropractic care first, are 50% less likely to fill an opioid prescription. There is a health care team for you to help you reach your health potential without drugs or surgery – It’s Chiropractic!

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Spinal Curves

Your spine has an amazing design made up of 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and 5 lumbar vertebrae. The spine has normal curvatures that are essential for healthy nerve flow energy from the brain to the body and the body to the brain. When the spine has lost its normal shape, it begins to fail in its functions and eventually leads to symptoms indicating something has been wrong for a long time. Consistent, specific chiropractic care with traction to remold your spine is needed to consistently correct the lateral spinal curvatures.

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Back to School

Getting back to school is a great time to schedule a chiropractic appointment for your kids along with a spinal X-ray to make sure their spine is growing in proper alignment and assess any recent or longstanding spinal damage so that correction can be made before long-term damage has set in.
Dr. DeeDee also discusses scoliosis - an abnormal spine curvature that can occur in both male and female, but especially young girls. Through exercises, adjustments, and bracing, most abnormal spinal curvatures can be corrected by a chiropractor trained in spinal correction.

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Chiropractic and Disc Herniations

Disc herniations in the lumbar spine (low back) can make your life painful, interfering with many daily activities including walking, running, biking, sitting, bending over, and even sleeping. Just finding a comfortable resting position can be challenging and if you’ve ever had a disc herniation, you know how painful it can be and how much it can alter your quality of life.

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Yard Work and Gardening Tips

Yard work and gardening is often necessary work that can be rewarding and fulfilling. Manage your time and projects ahead of time so you don’t do too much at once, especially if you haven’t been active this past winter. Make sure you warm your muscles and joints before working and work close to your body, maintaining your spine in alignment. Listen to your body and take extra breaks if you need to. Congratulate yourself and enjoy the work you’ve done!

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Infantile Colic & Chiropractic

Colic in infants is defined as excessive crying in an otherwise healthy and thriving baby that causes 1 in 6 families (nearly 20%) to seek a health professional.

When it comes to medical help for colic in infants, there seems to be little to no effective medical intervention. Former president of the International Chiropractic Association’s Pediatric Council, Dr. Maxine McMullen, left a legacy of love, leadership, compassion, and help to families and chiropractic students in her care for children and infants. As Dr. Maxine McMullen would say, “…every one of them simply needed a spinal adjustment.”

Studies show that chiropractic adjustments are much more effective in reducing infant crying episodes than medical intervention. Studies show crying episodes in their infant decreased by three hours per day for those infants who received chiropractic care, while those who received medication shortened crying by only one hour. Maybe all that baby needs are some chiropractic adjustments to fix the spinal misalignment(s) causing all of that crying.

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Spinal Hygiene

The statistics aren’t good. 85% of 50-year-olds have degenerative disc disease and 37% of 20 year olds have degenerative disc disease according to the American Journal of Neuro Radiology. But there are things you can do right now to help protect yourself from degenerative disc disease now and in the future no matter what age you are.

Learn how to do four exercises to improve your spinal hygiene practices and help you maintain a strong, healthy spine as you age! The exercises outlined in this article include: Range of Motion Stretches, Resistance Band Exercises, Wobble Ball Exercises, and Spinal Molding. All the necessary supplies for these exercises are included in a Spinal Hygiene Kit (created by the Spinal Hygiene Movement) that is available at our office!

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Michael Wampfler Michael Wampfler

Does Chiropractic Even Do Anything…???

Does chiropractic even do anything? Charlie knew her back wasn’t good. She had severe back issues and difficulties with her legs, making it hard to get through the day. She pushed through the pain every day. Along with corrective spinal care in our office, she was receiving BEMER treatments to improve the microcirculation in her legs. Specific supplements were recommended as well as some postural exercises. Charlie is so thrilled now! She knows she is standing straighter. She can walk longer and the edema in her legs is much improved as well.

How you age largely depends on what you do and what you eat, not just your genetics. Even though Charlie didn’t know anything about chiropractic or if it could help her, she took the advice from someone she knew and trusted and stepped out of her comfort zone to go to a doctor to see if they could help her.

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