Upcoming events.

What is the Glycocalyx?
One of the most important parts of the cardiovascular system, the glycocalyx consists of small, dense hairs filled with a thick gel and lines every single blood vessel (capillary) in your body.
Capillaries are tiny vessels that touch every cell in the human body - hundreds could fit in a human hair! In fact, 60,000 miles of capillaries feed and cleanse individual cells and organs keeping the body healthy! But microvascular dysfunction leads to tissue starvation and organ failure. Early warning signs of disease are reversible! Are you at risk?

What is the Glycocalyx?
One of the most important parts of the cardiovascular system, the glycocalyx consists of small, dense hairs filled with a thick gel and lines every single blood vessel (capillary) in your body.
Capillaries are tiny vessels that touch every cell in the human body - hundreds could fit in a human hair! In fact, 60,000 miles of capillaries feed and cleanse individual cells and organs keeping the body healthy! But microvascular dysfunction leads to tissue starvation and organ failure. Early warning signs of disease are reversible! Are you at risk?

What is the Glycocalyx?
One of the most important parts of the cardiovascular system, the glycocalyx consists of small, dense hairs filled with a thick gel and lines every single blood vessel (capillary) in your body.
Capillaries are tiny vessels that touch every cell in the human body - hundreds could fit in a human hair! In fact, 60,000 miles of capillaries feed and cleanse individual cells and organs keeping the body healthy! But microvascular dysfunction leads to tissue starvation and organ failure. Early warning signs of disease are reversible! Are you at risk?

Ladies' Night Out
With the strain and stress we carry in our lives, a fun, relaxing evening is needed now more than ever! Come take a break and have one evening out of your busy lives to be refreshed and have fun! Shop the vendors, enjoy food, win raffle prizes, and more! We can't wait to see you!!

SADS*: On The Rise - Health Talk
Why are so many Americans dying early? 158,000 more Americans in the 1st nine months of 2023 than in the same part of 2019. It’s time to ask why!
*Sudden Arrythmic (Adult) Death Syndrome (SADS)
Location: Freeport Public Library, Meeting Room

Fibromyalgia - Health Talk
Fibromyalgia affects 18 million Americans with debilitating pain and much beyond. Instead of just addressing symptoms, we will cover 3 possible causes of fibromyalgia (physical, emotional, and chemical trauma) and possible solutions to all three.
Location: Freeport Public Library, Meeting Room

Learn 3 ways you can help work with your hormones instead of trying to control them. Learn practical solutions that can be applied immediately!

Core Workouts
Learn to move better, improve stability, uncover movement compensation patterns, & create new patterns of strength, mobility, and support with Brandy French.

Nourishing Nutrition
Erika Vernon focuses on women’s health and is passionate about the powerful role nutrition can play in healing. Learn how to nourish your body for optimal health, Q&A to follow.

Detox and Cleanse
Do you have reduced mental clarity, fatigue, joint pain, skin issues, or indigestion? Dr. Mike will cover 4 ways to purify the body and one of the most effective ways to lose weight without taking hormone therapies.

Adjust & De-stress
At a busy time, join us for adjustments and refreshments at Premier Chiropractic to de-stress! Get your spine aligned and enjoy healthy hot chocolate and a treat!